Birkenhead Park
Back in 2016, the staff at HYPE spotted a plot of land in Birkenhead Park which could be transformed into a space very beneficial to our projects, young people, and the local community.
Our vision to expand young people’s world beyond the school and home settings was soon turned into reality. Following extensive meetings with the local council, we were able to create a bridge to link young children with community activities. Since then, it has had a massive impact on the lives of hundreds of families and the local community. Check out the progress below:
Our Vibrant Parks site within Birkenhead Park has now the combined uses of a garden, a wildlife haven, an area for sports, a stage for performing arts, and a small bike track.
It is home to successful and high-achieving projects, delivering activities to young people of all ages:
Healthy Lifestyles: Activities that promote informed health choices and encourage young people to be physically active.
Opportunities for All: Good working relationships with parents/carers and family members, providing opportunities for all families to get involved with our activities where possible.
Inter-generational Work: Increase confidence and self-esteem through shared activities such as gardening and crafts.
Inspiring Programmes: Activities to raise children’s awareness of their local neighbourhoods, through linkages with community organisations and services.